Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2nd Day of Migrations a Success But Not Without Some Pain

Good morning everyone,

The 2nd day of migrations is almost behind us and we hit some big road blocks.  The migration tool decided to take a major error in the middle of the migration causing everything to come to a halt.  After some great teaming and communication by all involved the team manually worked through the problem and finally headed home about 2:15am.  Although every machine was verified we were still not confident that the major error did not cause some underlying issues that were not resolved.  The staff showed back up early this morning and as our gut told us there were still issues with about 50% of the 280+ machines that were migrated.  The Help Desk phones were ringing and the staff responded as quickly as possible and we hope everyone is either fixed or in the Queue to be fixed very soon.

All-in-all we successfully migrated over 1500 user accounts and email boxes along with the 280+ machines.  This is good news but we are going back to the drawing board to try to determine root cause for the machine problems and put plans in place to mitigate the risks associated with the problems we saw last night.  Our goal is to have a 98% success rate by the following morning when you, our customer, comes back to the office.  We are certainly not happy with a 50% success rate and do apologize for any inconvenience / added stress this process has caused.  We are going to continue to look at ways we can improve the process and greatly appreciate your cooperation!!

I do want to sincerely thank and commend the entire project team for working very hard on this large, complex project.  We hit some road blocks and the team worked together to solve the issues and move forward.  We have a lot of work ahead of us but I am confident we will continue to grow and change as a team to ensure our efforts, processes and team work lead to a great customer experience that meets and / or exceeds expectations.

As always, if you have ANY questions / feedback / comments please post here or send to me directly.

Have a good day!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

First migration appears to be a success! Feedback?

Good evening everyone.  We moved our first 1000 customers last Thursday morning and the process went very well.  We only had 4 accounts that reported errors and they were resolved within minutes.  This is good news and I would like to congratulate the Cal UTech team for a job well done!! 

After reviewing the logs from the Help Desk and discussing lessons learned with the team we want to try to get ahead of some of the top reasons people called into the Help Desk:

  • OWA - The address changes with the move and this was our top call to the HD.  For clarification, after you have been migrated you will need to type in the following address to get access to OWA:

  • The Quicklinks on the http://www.calu.edu/ website are not updated.  We are working with the Web team to get this resolved.
  • Mobile device configuration has changed.  There are a LOT of different types of mobile devices and we are working hard to ensure all of the configurations will work.  We will be posting more updates around this area as progress is made. 
As I said in the title, it "appears" this first large migration was a success.  But, I would like to hear feedback from all of you.  If you have a comment or question please send it.  If you are experiencing a problem please call the Help Desk and they will assist you.

This coming week we are moving approximately 6,500 accounts so we will be very busy.  We are going to work hard to make this a smooth transition for everyone and we greatly appreciate your patience and support!

Have a great week!
